Nicole Lentz

Nicole Lentz

Co-founder of Magnet Consul1ng, Nicole has over 15 years of HR Consul1ng experience, with a unique blend of both client-facing coaching and development work and program and opera1ons management experience. Nicole enjoyed her years at both Aon Consul1ng and Development Dimensions Interna1onal and most recently as part of the start-up team at Bright Automo1ve. Nicole has worked with both small, entrepreneurial organiza1ons and large, tradi1onal organiza1ons across a variety of industries. A sample of her clients includes General Motors, Boeing and Walmart. While at DDI, Nicole provided accoun1ng and financial analysis for 3 mul1-million dollar business units in the US and Canada and lead office opera1ons for 2 US business units. Most recently, Nicole has been instrumental in the genesis of the Michigan office of Bright Automo1ve.

Nicole holds a Master of Science in Finance from Walsh College and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from University of Michigan Dearborn.